VII National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology

  Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the 7th National Congress on Veterinary Dermatology, which will be held on May 17 and 18, 2025, in the city of Plovdiv. The main topics of this upcoming congress will be otitis and pododermatitis. You can look forward to interesting lectures and practical sessions presented … Continue reading “VII National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology”

VI National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology

As a President of the Bulgarian Association of Veterinary Dermatology – BAVD, I have the pleasure to invite you to the VI National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, which will take place from May 18th to May 19th, 2024, at Hotel Bulgaria, Burgas. The congress program will include a variety of presentations, lectures, and discussions focused … Continue reading “VI National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology”

V National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology

Invitation As a chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Veterinary Dermatology /BAVD/,it is my pleasure to invite you to the V National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, which will be held on May 13-14, 2023, at the Park Hotel Imperial, Plovdiv. For five years now, the Congress has been gathering leading Bulgarian and global experts in the field of veterinary … Continue reading “V National Congress of Veterinary Dermatology”

4th BAVD Congress postponed

Dear Colleagues and Partners, As you know, the Bulgarian Government has banned public events as part of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Bulgaria. Due to the fact that the 4th Congress of Veterinary Dermatology is coming soon, the BAVD Board is postponing the 4th Congress. We will run it with the same … Continue reading “4th BAVD Congress postponed”

2nd Congress of Veterinary Dermatology

Bulgarian Association of Veterinary Dermatology has the great honor to invite you to the 2nd Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, which is organized on 20 and 21 April 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The lectures will be led by two of the leading specialists in the world of veterinary dermatology – Dr. Alberto Martin Cordero from Mexico … Continue reading “2nd Congress of Veterinary Dermatology”

First Congress of Veterinary Dermatology in Bulgaria

The First Congress of Veterinary Dermatology in Bulgaria was held on 27 and 28 April in Plovdiv. Over 120 veterinarians were present on both days, among them many guests from Romania, Macedonia, Greece and Cyprus. Event organizer was BADD. The leading lecturers in the program were Dr. Emmanuel Bensignor and Dr. Sebastian Viaud, who impressed … Continue reading “First Congress of Veterinary Dermatology in Bulgaria”

1st BAVD Congress

The Bulgarian Аssociation of Veterinary Dermatology is very proud to invite you to the 1st BAVD Congress which will take place from 27 to 28th of April 2017 in Plovdiv. Our lecturers are two of the leading experts of veterinary dermatology – Emmanuel Bensignor and Sébastien Viaud. We will discuss which one is the best … Continue reading “1st BAVD Congress”